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  • Writer's pictureHuda Fatima

Classics that are actually fun to read

The stereotypes behind classic books usually brand them as incomprehensible, obnoxiously long and boring. But after experimenting with this genre for almost two years now, I can recommend some actually fun ones you can try!

1. The Picture of Dorian Gray

I read this book during the beginning of 2021, and when I tell you I still think of it more often than what is considered normal, I am not lying. Easy to understand, less than 300 pages and full of morally grey characters, this book is all you need to get into this genre. It also made me fall in love with Oscar Wilde and helped me discover a whole new world of literature through his spectacular plays.

2. Wuthering Heights

I may or may not have a thing for morally grey characters, because the characters in this book leave all others behind when it comes to creepiness, but like come on guys they did it for love... I literally cried reading this book because the realisation of how no one will ever love me the way Heathcliff loved Catherine hit me deep. Don't let the first few chapters disappoint you, for they can be difficult to get into. But once you're into it, it'll be hard to get out.

3. Jane Eyre

If you want romance, horror and grotesque vibes, but the first two don't cater to your needs, then Jane Eyre is the one for you. Definitely following Wuthering Heights path, it is way less creepy and intense, but still full of beautiful phrases, a breathtakingly amazing romance, and one of the sweetest endings. Jane Eyre is guaranteed to be the book which will make you fall in love with classics.

4. The Importance of Being Earnest

If classic novels are too intimidating for you, plays are the perfect place to start. The Importance of Being Earnest, one of Wilde's most popular plays, is definitely worth your time. Witty, paradoxical and full of twists and turns, this play will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

5. Romeo and Juliet

Can't have a list of books revolving around classics without including Shakespeare, right? I recently finished and Romeo and Juliet and like, it was actually good...? Here me out guys, not the part where it literally takes place over the span of FOUR days, or the fact that Juliet is 13, but the drama and deaths and stage directions - that's what was actually really enjoyable. It also ended my fear of Shakespeare, because it made me realise that it's actually not hard to understand the language if you pay attention while reading. Also the ending had me staring at the wall for like 15 minutes straight because that can't be real right??? Because the only way I can summarise this play is "Death Prank: Gone Horribly Wrong." Maybe that'll be the topic for the next blog!? Stay tuned + subscribe to find out!


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