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  • Writer's pictureHuda Fatima


Life is complicated. And we know that better than anyone. Because we're living it. It's hard. Sometimes, or most of the times it hurts. It's painful. Mentally and sometimes physically.

It can hurt physically because of an accident or sometimes the mental pain becomes so great that you feel it physically. It can be in the form of a headache. It can be nausea. It can trigger the tear gland and a salty liquid rolls down our faces. Point being, it comes in many shapes and forms.

What causes the mental pain? Ninety-nine percent of the time it's other people. Other people who also have tear glands and headaches and heartburn. Ironic, isn't it?

We hurt when someone tells us something we don't comply with. Or something that we find insulting. Or something which degrades our interests. We hurt, we whine, we ask God that why did this person have to say what they did? Why couldn't they just be quite? We ask God to heal our heart.

No one can understand pain better than us. You know why? Because we go through it, on a daily basis. We know how it feels when someone insults our looks. Or when someone knowingly taunts us. Or when someone intentionally ignores us or an accomplishment we worked hard to accomplish.

Everyday we wake up hoping our day goes well.

Yet, why is it that we do the same. Why is it that when we see someone excelling more than us, we decide to ignore them instead of acknowledging them? Why is it that despite knowing how it feels to be hurt, despite knowing how complicated the world is, we decide to go tell that person that the clothes they are wearing don't look good. Or the new hobby they picked up is useless? Or that they are wasting their life doing what they are doing. Or that they've packed up a few pounds or lost so many that they look sickly.

We should make this world a better place for one another. Because we know how exhausting or how soul sucking it can be sometimes. We should make sure that just because we are hurt, no one else has to be hurt. Because being hurt is a bad feeling. We should make sure that simply because it pained us, no one else has to endure the pain.

We should be so full of love. Because we know that love is rare.

Why do we make it hard for another person because some person has made it hard for us and another person has made it hard for the person who's making it hard for us? The person we're causing pain will make another suffer. It's a vicious cycle. A cycle that'll only end when we decide to bring a change.

When someone tells you about an accomplishment of theirs, be happy. Congratulate them. Motivate them. Tell them they'll do amazing! When someone taunts you, and you're hurt, instead of trying to seek revenge or taking it out on someone else and ruining their day, compliment the first random person you see. Tell them that the colour they're wearing looks awesome on them. Watch the smile on their face. It'll be worth a thousand taunts. Next time you're about to pass a harsh comment, think of the pain the other person will feel. Put yourself in their shoes. Think about how you'd feel if it had been said to you.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.


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