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  • Writer's pictureHuda Fatima

Seven Levels of Self

Today, i'm writing about the seven maqamat every soul has to undergo on the Path of Truth. This truly intrigued me when I first read about it.

The Sufi has different methods and practices, different schools, and scholars. One thing that most Sufis know is the “nafs/self’ levels. Based on these levels the “Mureed” (Student) of Sufism will start his/her journey to the Most High.

God’s names come with each one of these seven Levels of self. The knowledge of each name is not revealed until you reach the next level. Through each name, you experience certain situations and encounters where this particular name is the perfect method to reach the Lord’s blessings and advice.

Depraved Nafs

This is the first level. This is when the soul is fully entwined into earthly bliss; entrapped in worldly pursuits. Most of us are stuck here. Struggling and confused. Blaming others for this struggle and confusion, instead of facing the music and upholding responsibility for for our own unhappiness, which is a result of our own choices.

Accusing Nafs

If a person makes use out of his struggle and confusion, and passes the first stage, by becoming aware of the souls abased situation, and by making an effort by working on himself and his lifestyle, he enters the second stage, the accusing nafs, which is opposite to the first. In this stage, instead of blaming others for his struggle and confusion, he blames himself, sometimes to the point of self-harm. Thus, the journey to inner purification begins.

Inspired Nafs

Anyone who has made it this far will possess and display patience, perseverance, wisdom and humility. The world will seem new and full of inspiration. The main state here is awareness and discernment between right and wrong, in what you or others do. At this level, you notice women and men, people with faith and without, all types of polarity because the self has knowledge and clarity now. Life seems adventurous and exciting. Many people lose the urge to go higher. This is why, beautiful and stirring as it is, the third stage can be a trap for many, and it is truly a challenge to move forward.

Serene Nafs

Those who make it to this level are pleased with whatever situation they are put in, good or bad. Mundane matters matter no more to them. They are generous and always are thankful to God. You focus on worship, reverence, and helping others.

Pleased Nafs

This level seeks only the Beloved. You are thankful for all the tests you are put in, as well as all the blessings you have been given. You focus on the heavenly kingdom of God and his blessings, you see only in his light.

Satisfied Nafs

At this level you become a shining flame for others, radiating energy and love to everyone who seeks it. You are teaching truth and helping humanity. You make a big difference wherever you go and in people’s lives. The main focus here is serving God by serving others. If you reach this level you notice the skies, space, and stars. Fire is seen as a sign of demolishing in the Lord’s love. You endure any pain or harm that has been done to you and you forgive.

Purified Nafs

At this stage, a person becomes insan e kamil - a perfect human being. Nobody knows much about this state. If they do, they prefer to remain silent.

It is not easy to reach the higher levels. It is possible to tumble and fall into the traps of this world. But what's important is picking yourself up again. Starting from zero. Giving it your best. Most importantly, praying to God. For mercy and for guidance.


hope you found this as intriguing as i did :) like and subscribe for more!



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